
Lakes Highway District

Hours: Monday - Thursday 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

17783 N. Pope Road
Hayden, Idaho 83835
 Road Work

Contracted Road Work: in 2025 the District will reconstruct approx 1.7 miles of Diagonal begining at SH41.  Work will also include an overlay on Seasons Road from SH41 to Ramsey, and overlays within the Tree Farm Subdivision.  UPDATE: This work was bid and awarded to Interstate Concrete and Asphalt for $3,099,887.99.  Work is anticpated to begin early spring, weather permitting.

Scheduled Chip Sealing work: 2025 

Road Name Description
Amulet Circle All
Archer Road Remington - Culdera
Autry Lane Howard - end
Chilco Road Ramsey - Abbot 2026?
Dolan Road Cul-De-Sac - Amulet
Duke Lane Howard - end
Eclipse Road Chilco - hollow top
Garwood Road Pope - Rimrock 
Garwood Road Rimrock - End of LHD
Garwood Road Pope - Dylan Ct
Hollow Top Road Eclipse - Ceylon
Hudlow Road Rimrock - End of LHD
Lakeview Drive Hayden Limits - Tudor
Lakeview Drive Tudor - Rimrock
Lancaster Road Ferndale - Strahorn
Lancaster Road Strahorn - St James
Lancaster Road St Jamees - Pebble Cr
Lancaster Road Pebble Cr - English Pt
Lancaster Road English Pt - EHLR
Lander Road All
Lekstrum Road Old Hwy 95 - Garwood
Lekstrum Road Garwood - Amulet Cir
Leonard Loop All
Nautical Loop HWY 41 - Watkins Ln
Nautical Loop Watkins Ln - HWY 41
Pulaski Road Ramsey - Archer
Rimrock Road Lakeview - Lancaster
Rimrock Road Lancaster - Dodd
Rimrock Road Dodd - Hudlow
Rimrock Road Hudlow - Garwood
Rimrock Road Garwood - Ohio Match
Rimrock Road Ohio Match - End of Pave
Sims Lane Walking Horse - End
Starling Meadows Court All
TJ Trail All
Walking Horse Lane Howard to Sims Lane
Walking Horse Lane Howard to Sims Lane
Watkins Lane Nautical Lp - End of Road
Wendland Way HWY 41 - End


 Please call for additional information and limits of work.



 Lancaster Huetter Intersection

Lakes Highway District has partnered with the Post Falls Highway District to improve this intersection.  Funding for the project is through the Local Highway Safety Improvement Program, less local match requirements to be split by Lakes and Post Falls Highway District.  Design and right-of-way aquistion for the project is now complete.  The project is expected to go out to bid this spring (2025) and construction in the July/August time frame.

Road Construction & Delays


To help the District minimize the inconvenience, please have all your vehicles moved from your road during the week we are in your area.  We also ask that you turn off any landscape water that may impact the roadway during this process and to keep your speed down on the newly sealed surface.
The District appreciates your cooperation during this process and if you have any questions, please contact the District Office at (208)772-7527.  Thank you!


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